Are you feeling confused, frightened, anxious or sad about a major life change? Have you recently experienced a crisis that left you questioning your values, hopes and even your identity? Any transition, whether planned or unexpected, can shake you to the core and send you reeling into uncertainty and doubt.

  • On the brink of marriage or becoming a parent, you may be doubting your readiness to make such a lifelong commitment or feel besieged by painful memories of your own family upbringing. Perhaps you’re mourning the dissolution of a marriage due to divorce or death or feeling bereft because your children have left the nest, depriving you of your core identity as a parent.

  • You might feel confused and anxious when the emotional payoff you expected from achieving a cherished goal – graduating from school, finding a job, changing careers, or moving to a new home – fails to materialize, leaving you questioning your choices and your plans for the future.
  • You may become overwhelmed by shock and fear in response to a serious health threat or experience a profound sense of loss as you observe your body showing the inevitable signs of aging.

Every transition from the familiar to the unknown forces us to reevaluate our sense of ourselves, our relationships and our understanding of the world. This process can be painful and disorienting at times, especially if we face it alone. But transitions can also be profoundly life-affirming if we embrace them as opportunities to grow and find new meaning in our lives.

Having personally experienced such life changes as marriage, the empty nest syndrome, a midlife return to graduate school and a subsequent career change, I know how difficult transitions can be. I would be honored to serve as your guide and companion as you enter this next chapter of your life. With help and support, you can learn how to navigate change, experience profound growth and create a better, richer, more satisfying life.

You Are Not Alone in Your Journey

You don't have to navigate this challenging time on your own. I invite you to call me at (602) 399-7871 or contact me here to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation. For those with busy schedules, I offer flexible appointment times that include some night and weekend hours.